- Relevant Legislative Actions of the General Assembly
- State Implementation of EPA’s Forthcoming Revised Lead and Copper Rule
- State Evaluation and Regulation of Unregulated Contaminants Including PFAS Compounds
- VDH MCL Development Including Recent PFAS, 1,4-Dioxane, and Chromium-6 State Mandates
- DEQ Surface Water Management, Allocation, and Withdrawal Permitting
- DEQ Groundwater Management, Allocation, and Withdrawal Permitting
- Appropriate Roles and Responsibilities of State Agencies (VDH and DEQ)
- Water Supply Safe Yield Determinations
- Water Utility Infrastructure Construction and Maintenance Permitting
- Community Water System Risk and Resilience Assessments
- Disinfection Byproducts and Other Issues of Interest to Consecutive Water Systems
- Integrated Planning with Wastewater and Stormwater Systems
- VDH Waterworks Regulation Implementation
- Regulatory Compliance & Enforcement
- Legislation Governing Local Determination of Rates and Charges for Water Utility Service
- Legislation Governing Utility Service Disconnections, Customer Assistance, and Affordability
- Legislation Affecting Other Business Practices of the Water Utilities